Thursday, October 23, 2008


Mari kita dukung dan sukseskan ulang tahun yang pertama ACEH BLOGGER COMMUNITY pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 dengan tema BLOGGER GO TO SCHOOL , ABC yang masih sangat muda di dunia virtual telah melakukan sebuah terobosan yang luarbiasa untuk kemajuan bangsa terutama anak-anak remaja Aceh yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah.

Bagi anak-anak Aceh atau yang lebih keren dengan sebutan blogger Aceh , yang masih sesat dan masih mengembara di dunia virtual ini yang belum memiliki komunitas yang solid, sekaranglah saatnya pulang dan bergabung di ACEH BLOGGER COMMUNITY dan , mari sama-sama kita majukan dunia blogger Aceh, mari sama-sama kita sumbangkan ide da ilmu untuk kemajuan ABC yang merupakan tempat bersatunya blogger Aceh.

Dan Bagi blogger Aceh yang masih bingung dimana komunitas-komunitas Aceh bermarkas , anda bisa berkunjung KOMUNITAS ANAK ACEH

Terima kasih kita ucapkan pada saudara kita AULIA dan kawan-kawan yang telah melahirkan ABC ini dengan penuh perjuangan dan tanpa pamrih, mari kita bantu dan dukung mereka demi kemajuan komunitas blogger Aceh.

Welcome to ACEH BLOGGER DAYS 2008

Readmore.....“BLOGGER GO TO SCHOOL 8 hari lagi”

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Arthemia magazine blogger template adalah template majalah profesional gratis berkualitas tinggi dirancang oleh Michael Hutagalung dan diubah ke Blogger template oleh Themelib.

Fitur - fitur yang sudah disertakan anatara lain :

1. Menu yang manis
2. Template 3 kolomTiga catatan kaki widgets
3. Tersediannya google adsense (rectangle 300 × 250, 120 × 600 sidebar)
4. Tersedianya kolom iklan/banner
5. Tersedianya kota pencarian/search
6. Desain yang profesional dengan gaya majalah
7. Tiga catatan kaki widgets

Untuk melihat demo dan download klik aja dibawah ini



Selamat menikmati dan Semoga bemamfaat


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Membuat menu di blogger dengan label

Sebelumnya kita ucapkan terima kasih pada Blogger yang telah memberikan fasilitas gratis buat kita yaitu sebua Blog, Blogger menawarkan beragam fitur dan tool untuk mempermudah penggunanya. Namun sayangnya, Blogger tidak menyediakan fitur pembuatan menu, sehingga tampilan blog Anda tidak dapat tersaji seperti website pada umumnya. Adakalnya saat kita memakai tempalte sudah terbantu ama fasilitas TOP TAB atau TAB MENU seperti di blog ini, tapi adakalanya juga sebuah template belum ada fasilitas seperti diatas, ya seperti di blog sya sebelum saya Renovasi ( kayak rumah aja pake renovasi...he..he..he..).

Bagi yang belum ada fasilitas ini, mungkin ada niat mau membuat menu untuk memilah-milah posting di blog anda, coba dech gunakan trik berikut ini :

1. Berikan label disetiap posting anda, baik dengan cara mengisi Text box label saat melakukan posting baru, atau mengedit posting dan menambahkan Label pada posting lama yang telah ada.

2. Setelah semua anda beri label sesuai katagori artikel/posting, kini saatnya membuat link menu secara manual berdasarkan label yang telah kita buat. Pada Dashboard Blogger, klik Template/layout/Tata letak > Add a Page Element/Tambah Gadget (pilih posisi box yang Anda inginkan).

3. Pilih tipe HTML/JavaScript dengan cara klik tombol Add a Page Element pada tipe tersebut.

4. Buatlah teks daftar menu sesuai katagori-katagori yang anda inginkan ( contoh ACEH I BLOGGING I INTERNET I NEWS I MIRACLE I ETCETERA ). Kemudian block salah satu judul menu ( misalnya ACEH ) lalu Berikan link pada masing-masing teks menu dengan cara mengklik icon buat link lalu isi URL ( contoh ) atau di masing-masing label di blog anda klik kanan pilih view page source, copy ke box buat link . ulangi pembuatan teks menu dan pemberian link sesuai label terkait. klik save changes.

5. Drag/gerakkan kotak komponen HTML/JavaScript menu yang ditambahkan pada template, letakkan diposisi yang ada inginkan ( umumnya menu ditempatkan dihalaman bagian atas,tergantung anda mau letakkan diposisi yang anda suka sesuai dengan layout template anda ). klik Save.

6.Periksa hasilnya pada blog anda. lakukan penyesuaian teks,warna dan sebagainya tergantung selera anda dan tergantung fasilitas yang ada dengan mengedit komponen HTML/JavaScript menu anda. ( hasil seperti gambar di atas )

Selamat mencoba.

Readmore.....“Membuat menu di blogger dengan label”

Cara Mencopy gambar halaman atau halaman web di layar monitor

Untuk mencopy gambar atau gambar halaman web atau sejenis nya dilayar monitor sangatlah mudah, pasti anda sering melihat ketika membaca sebuah postingan diblog maupun website bahwa gambar yang disuguhkan berupa gambar dari hasil mencopy dari halaman web atau sejenisnya dilayar monitor seperti gambar diatas

Sebelumnya anda siapkan salah satu software pengolah gambar seperti PHOTOSHOP atau PAINT atau bahkah dengan MICROSOT WORD juga bisa. Disini saya coba pakai PAINT yang lebih mudah dan cepat cara kerjanya.

Bagi anda yang belum tahu boleh mencobanya dengan cara-cara sebagai berikut seperti yang saya kutip dari halaman

1.Buka software paint .

2.Klik menu FILE kemudian klik NEW ( untuk membuat halaman baru ).

3.Setelah itu tinggalkan aja dulu, kita meluncur ke halaman web halaman lain yang ingin kita copy, misalnya kita ambil contoh disini

4.Apabila halaman yang akan dicopy sudah terlihat dilayar monitor,tekan tombol Ctrl berbarengan dengan dengan tombol Print screen ( Ctrl+Print screen ) pada keyboard anda.( contoh seperti gambar diatas )

5.Lalu kita kembali ke halaman Paint tadi.

6.Di halaman Paint tekan Ctrl berbarengan dengan V ( Ctrl + V ) pada keyboard Anda. Sekarang gambar dari halaman yang sudah dicopy sudah ada di halaman paint, namun ukuran nya masih sangat besar untuk dimasukkan kesebuah postingan, gambarnya sebesar layar monitor.

7. Untuk mengatur besarnya gambar dihalaman paint tadi, silakan klik image yang ada di bagian paling atas sejajar FILE lalu klik STRETCH/SKEW, silakan atur sendiri ukuran gambar yang dibutuhkan sehingga cocok dengan ukuran kolom postingan seperti contoh dibawah ini

8.Untuk menyimpan gambar dari halaman paint diatas klik FILE pilih SAVE AS kemudian save ( Anda tinggal pilih tempat penyimpanan bisa di My Picture maupun My Document ).

9. Selesai tinggal upload aja ke Blog anda yang mau diposting.

Pada intinya untuk mencopy gambar dari halaman web atau sejenisnya di monitor adalah klik Ctrl + Print screen dan untuk mempastenya cukup dengan Ctrl + V .

Semoga bermamfaat dan selamat mencoba.

Readmore.....“Cara Mencopy gambar halaman atau halaman web di layar monitor”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Google Block Chrome Some in the State

Google's new browser release, Chrome it can not be enjoyed in all countries. To a certain country, Chrome can not be trying the internet users.

One blogger, Yaser Sadeq origin Syria promised not to be Chrome.

"When I heard there is a new browser release of Google, I want to try it. When I go to the site / chrome, which appears eror message is: The requested URL / service / prod_unavailable.html was not found on this server," Yaser write in the blog.

Not only Chrome, but the other Google products like Google Talk and Gmail Notifier also not able to ditembusnya.

Usut have usut, in this case, it is not Syria, the countries that do block as well as Syria to block Facebook, Skype and several other blogging sites.

Jessica Dheere said to journalists written in MediaShift, this time Google is doing the blocking.

"We can not allow Google Chrome downloaded in Cuba, Syria, South Korea, Iran and Sudan," said the speaker to Google Jessica, as quoted Detikinet of MediaShift, Wednesday (15/10/2008).

Further explained, this is a command from the central control the export of the United States (U.S.) as economic sanctions to the countries concerned.

Meanwhile, Google is based in the country Adidaya must follow all of the rules issued by the state.

Even so, despite the official internet users in countries affected by the sanctions can not be perforated to download Chrome and various other Google products, but many roads are still 'underground' that can be accessed. However Jessica said.

Readmore.....“Google Block Chrome Some in the State”

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Mr Di Tiro told Indonesian television earlier this week that he supported the peaceagreement and just wanted to see his homeland again. -- AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

News about Hasan Tiro return to Aceh (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam = NAD) leader highest ASNLF (Atjeh Sumatra National Liberation Font), which has lived in Sweden has a page of various newspapers overseas. Here I show some papers and news related to the return of the desired by the people of Aceh to become a leader in Aceh.
Return of an Aceh rebel leader

BANDA ACEH (Indonesia) - TENS of thousands of people packed the capital of Indonesia's war-torn Aceh province on Saturday for the emotional homecoming of the founding father of its separatist rebel movement.

Police said up to 100,000 people were set to pack the historic Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh, still bearing the scars of the 2004 tsunami, to greet Free Aceh Movement (GAM) founder Hasan di Tiro, returning after almost 30 years in exile. ........Continue reading in Straits Times

Exiled Aceh leader returns to Indonesia

Hasan di Tiro, founder of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), waves as he arrives at the Banda Aceh airport yesterday. Reuters

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia, Oct 11, 2008 (AFP) - The founder of Aceh's separatist rebel movement made an emotional homecoming today after nearly 30 years in exile and a war that killed thousands of people........Continue reading The Sunday Times

Thousands welcome exiled rebel in Indonesia's Aceh ...
Reuters,Published: October 11, 2008

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia: Hasan di Tiro, founder of the former rebel group GAM in Indonesia's Aceh, returned to the once restive province on Saturday after 30 years in exile, calling for everyone to help keep the peace.

His return to the island of Sumatra came a day after Finland's former president Martti Ahtisaari won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in global peaemaking including in Aceh...........Continue reading in International HERALD TRIBUNE

Aceh rebel leader returns from exile to Indonesia for visit 2008-10-11 16:24:41

JAKARTA, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Tengku Muhammad Hassan di Tiro, top leader of the former separatist organization Free Aceh Movement (GAM), arrived in Aceh Saturday from his exile, police said.

He was greeted by enthusiastic people in Aceh as he and entourages passed the street, said Tengku Adnan Brangsa, an aide of Tiro and the spokesman of the local party the Partai Aceh. ........Continue reading in Xinhua

Exiled rebel leader returns to Indonesia

By Jakarta correspondent Geoff Thompson and wires
Posted Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:04pm AEDT

The 83-year-old founder of Aceh's rebel movement has returned to the tsunami-scarred Indonesian province for the first time in almost 30 years.

Hassan di Tiro was greeted by thousands of cheering supporters in Banda Aceh..........Continue reading in ABC News

Ex-Aceh rebel leader returns home after 30 years in Saturday 11th October, 11:34 PM JST

Hasan di Tiro, the founder of a former rebel group that fought for almost three decades for Aceh’s independence, was greeted by thousands of people on Saturday when he arrived back in the once-restive Indonesian province after almost 30 years in exile in Sweden........Continue reading in Japan Today

Aceh guerrilla leader flies home Page last updated at 04:46 GMT, Saturday, 11 October 2008 05:46 UK

Supporters flocked to Banda Aceh ahead of Mr di Toro's arrival

The founder of the separatist rebel movement in the Indonesian province of Aceh, Hasan di Tiro, has flown home after 30 years in exile.

Thousands of former rebels have flocked to Banda Aceh to welcome him home.........Continue reading in BBC News

Indonesia's exiled Aceh rebel leader returns home

The founder of Aceh's separatist rebel movement has returned to Indonesia after nearly 30 years in exile in Sweden.

Tens of thousands of people are gathering in the Grand Mosque in the provincial capital Banda Aceh, to meet Hasan di Tiro founder of the Free Aceh Movement or GAM. ...........Continue reading in australia NETWORK

Exiled rebel leader returns to Indonesia's Aceh
Tajikistan News.Net
Saturday 11th October, 2008 (IANS)

Greeted by thousands of cheering supporters, the 83-year-old founder of Aceh's rebel movement returned to the tsunami-wracked Indonesian province of Aceh Saturday for the first time in almost 30 years.

Hassan di Tiro fled to Sweden in late 1970s after declaring Aceh independent in 1976, a move triggered that a long-running conflict in the northwestern Indonesian province.........Continue reading in Tajikistan News

Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:48:43 AM Oman Time

BANDA ACEH: The founder of Aceh's separatist rebel movement made an emotional homecoming Saturday after nearly 30 years in exile and a war that killed thousands of people.

Free Aceh Movement (GAM) founder Hassan di Tiro was greeted by thousands of cheering supporters and former guerrillas as he flew into the capital of the war-torn and tsunami-scarred Indonesian province........Continue reading in Time of Oman

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Sat Oct 11, 12:57 AM ET

AFP Photo: Supporters of exiled Aceh leader Hasan di Tiro in Banda Aceh on October 10. Tens...

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AFP) - The founder of Aceh's separatist rebel movement returned to Indonesia Saturday after nearly 30 years in exile and after a war that killed thousands of people.......Continue reading in Yahoo ! News

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Sat, Oct 11, 2008 AFP

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia, Oct 11, 2008 (AFP) - The founder of Aceh's separatist rebel movement made an emotional homecoming Saturday after nearly 30 years in exile and a war that killed thousands of people.

Free Aceh Movement (GAM) founder Hassan di Tiro was greeted by thousands of cheering supporters and former guerrillas as he flew into the capital of the war-torn and tsunami-scarred Indonesian province..........Continue reading in Asian One News

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
The Daily Star, Bangladesh

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Zee News, India

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Today Online

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Channel News Asia

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Daily Time, Pakistan

Exiled rebel leader returns to Indonesia's Aceh
Trend Newws

Indonesia's exiled Aceh rebel leader returns home
Radio Australia

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia by Stephen Coates
France 24

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
MSN Arabia

Exiled Aceh leader returns

Exiled rebel leader returns to Indonesia's Aceh
AOL News , India

Exiled Aceh rebel leader returns to Indonesia
Lycos News

Thousands welcome exiled rebel in Indonesia's Aceh
AOL News

Thousands welcome exiled rebel in Indonesia's Aceh

Thousands welcome exiled Aceh's insurgent
World Bulletin

Free Aceh's founder returns from exile
Radio Netherlands

Happy Blogging


Friday, October 10, 2008

LAUT TAWAR LAKE -The beauty is hidden in the country between

A serene lake is located in eastern city of Takengon, in the high plains Gayo (1,250 meters above sea level), Subdistrict Laut Tawar, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. It is a lake of exposure in Aceh Province with a broad approximately 5,472 ha, around 17 km in length and width of 5.5 km. width Average - the average 3,219 km, the volume of water Liter 2.5 trillion (2,537,483,884 m3), In the province of North Road: 18 km to the south: 24 km .

Population around 21,487 Lake Life (2002), 4 Sub-district, 23 villages
Star, 14 Village (Bamil Nosar, Bale Nosar, Nosar work today, Kejurun Syiah Utama, Mengaya, Bewang, at Bintang, Kuala I, Gegarang, Merodot, Linung Bulen II, the Scorpion side, Kelitu Sintep)
Plumpness, 3 Village (Lot Kala, Mendale, Kala Lengkio)
Bebesen, 2 Village (Kemili, Keramat Mupakat)
Lot bargaining, 4 Village (Toweren Toa, Rawe, Pedemun One-one, Judge Bale Bujang, Neighborhood Takengon East).

Access to the Takengon more easily accessed through the City of Bireuen. There is a small terminal where mangkal transportation elf specifically to Takengon. Ever travel about 5 hours with a cost of approximately Rp. 25000. Aside from Bireuen, an alternative way to Takengon can also be implemented in Blang Keujeren and Kutacane.

The existence of Lake Laut Tawar pride to be the people of Aceh. It is a natural tourist attraction, visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. Lake is a source of water that is used not only by the people in Aceh Tengah regency, but also by people in other districts.

Traditional stories circulating about the Gayo depik fish, such as the shape of ornamental fish are well-slim white shimmer with the size of a thumb of living in Lake Laut Tawar. Story, depik comes from the rice grain removed to the lake. He will appear on the surface to a particular season, especially during the rainy season. Before the season arrived, crowds depik hiding in the south of the lake, at the foot of Mount Bur Kelieten. Depik is a gift of God to people Gayo, although continuously consumed, he never exhausted.

Two hills that flank the lake, more and show the beauty of the lake. The integration of the waters and the plains give the source of livelihood for many people, especially in the high plains around Gayo. A sea because the sea and breadth as a bargaining because the water is not salty. Water tawarnya save many flora and fauna, one of the most popular fish is depik which is the only fish species in Lake Laut Tawar.

In this location visitors can see the horticulturalists and fishing. One activity that has become part of daily life in communities around the lake. Leading commodities grown in high altitude Gayo, among others, is Gayo coffee (Arabica coffee), which is very popular in Japan, potatoes, passion fruit, tomato, red pepper, corn, and vegetables. Results of plantation commodities that are quite famous tangerine Gayo and avocado.

Tourists visiting the tourist attraction is not free.There is one motor boat used to carry passengers circumnavigate Lake Laut Tawar. Around the lake where there is lodging for tourists who want to spend the night at that location.

Readmore.....“LAUT TAWAR LAKE -The beauty is hidden in the country between”

SEUDATI DANCE - Heroism dances from Aceh

Seudati dance is a traditional dance typical of Aceh, which is popular in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam era of the kingdom of Aceh and until now very heroic.

Dance is played by 8 people who called a friend and 2 people who sing the lyric verse of-called seudati child ( Aneuk seudati )or children syahi( Aneuk syahi ).

From 8 friends / dancers who called the sheik ( Syeh )and Apet sheik ( Apet Syeh ). Sheik standing in the position of second from left front row of the spectators based on the vision of the future.

Some experts say Seudati derived from the word Syahadatain, and there is also a word that comes from sahadati (Arabic). In this dance Seudati rely on the body of dancers as his instrument, such as stomach beaten ( Peh prut ) , put the ches ( peh dada ), fingers are ( Ketip jaroe ), plaudit ( peh jaroe ), and with that shrill voice.

In the game seudati consists of some act / sessions, namely:

1. Peace Child Syahi (Saleum aneuk syahi)
2. Peace sheik (saleum sheik)
3. Likok ***
4. Saman ***
5. Story ( Kisah )
6. Pansi ***
7. Lanie / gambus opener ( Gambus Pembuka )
8. Gambus cover. ( Gambus Penutop )

Verses-versification Seudati contain messages Islam, a traditional / hadihmaja, incendiary spirit stories and history of Aceh. Along with the growth and development dynamics in Aceh, could versemonger also be adjusted. A child syahi (syeha) a reliable, he can create a lyric-verse of the spontaneity with the condition when the show. Verses shaped his rhyming verse ab ab.

Formerly in the era of wars seudati often used to evoke the spirit sabil war against the colonizers. There has been no mention of the source who first created the seudati this. Perhaps by history experts, is estimated seudati is created by the ulama to release the spare exhaustion after the battle for the next war. Besides, it is also often played at events statesman and traditional kingdom of Aceh.

***:Aceh Language

Readmore.....“SEUDATI DANCE - Heroism dances from Aceh”

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

KUE BAYI MARZIPAN...Benarkah bisa dimakan...?

Sebuah maha karya yang luar biasa dari seorang wanita jenius

Seandainya benar boneka bayi miniatur ini dibuat dari Marzipan....kayaknya gw gak tega memakannya.

Tentu saja anda akan sangat terpesona dan terkagum-kagum melihat keindahan boneka bayi miniatur ini...luar biasa, sebagian wajahnya lebih tampak di ukir dari pada kenyataannya , namun setiap detainya begitu mengagumkan dan bagian lainnya nampak begitu nyata

Bayi-bayi ini adalah sebuah karya miniatur yang sangat menakjubkan, konon terbuat dari Marzipan dan bisa dimakan.....benarkah ?

Marzipan adalah semacam pasta manis dari bahan dasar almond dan gula serta putih telur yang digunakan sebagai lapisan dalam kue/cake.untuk lebih jelas tentang Marzipan lihat

Bacalah apa kata si pencipta bayi cantik ini....

Adalah Seorang wanita yang luar biasa pencipta boneka-boneka bayi cantik ini mengatakan :

Jika anda melihat fitur bayi Camille Allen di salam newsletter atau majalah baru-baru ini silakan email kami foto atau salinan artikel dan Anda dapat memenangkan sebuah autographed foto, atau hadiah lainnya, jika anda adalah untuk pertama kali kirim! PDATED : 16 Agustus 2005

*Catatan : Jika anda telah melihat “Hiruplah aroma yang Hujan” atau”Bayi Marzipan” (Atau “ Gula Bayi”) email, Anda mungkin telah melihat beberapa gambar yang diambil dari website ini. Namun gambar yang benar-benar dari patung dibuat dari tanah liat oleh CAMILLIE ALLEN.

Bayi yang tidak terbuat dari Marzipan-mereka tidak pernah terbuat dari marzipan atau gula atau almond paste.

Mereka tidak nyata bayi premature.demikian ungkapan dari Camille Allen

Kalau anda berminat mau membeli Bayi-bayi ajaib yang luar biasa ini silakan aja berkunjung


harganya pake dollar


Semoga bermamfaat

Readmore.....“KUE BAYI MARZIPAN...Benarkah bisa dimakan...?”

Friday, October 3, 2008

READMORE... Display posts more visible short

ReadMore or install ReadMore is posting a speed / writing a blog that appears on the home page of a blog or in other words, mark down the posting ReadMore in our backyard so long that not all does not appear to take place. As you can see in the blog Dollar and Rupiah.

Step by step install ReadMore in the new blogger (not a classic template) are as follows:

1. Entrance to the page layout of your blog and click the Edit Html and check the 'Expand widget template "(the previous backup of your first template by clicking the Download the full template, the template so long that you saved directly).

2. Search one of the code in the box below to edit the template

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
atau <div class='post-header-line'>
atau <div class='post-body entry-content'>

Why there are 3 types of code ...? because each template structure is different here so we can be facing one of the existing code.

3. If the facts and then copy the code below

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

Then paste the code under one of the code that I have mentioned above, and later you can see the results as the example below

<div class='post-body entry-content'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

4. Then copy the code below:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'><br />
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read more...</a>

Paste the code below


5. If all the above instructions have been carried out as the result of this

<div class='post-body entry-content'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType != "item"’><br/>
<a expr:href=’data:post.url’>Read moreĆ¢�¦</a>

<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

6. If so click SAVE TEMPALTE

7. From the menu TEMPALTE we move to the menu: click SETTING (setting)> click formatting (format), see the note below there is no POST TEMPLATE (template post), nach now fill the box with the code below

<span class="fullpost">


Click SAVE (Save the settings)

8. Each will last posting click EDIT write the HTML code and paste it between the posting that will be shown and hidden, see the example below.

This is an example of the first paragraph <span class="fullpost"> dan ini merupakan paragraph selanjutnya dan terakhir postingan anda yang tidak akan terlihat keculai link Readmore di klik oleh pengunjung anda </span>.
( Code </span> are stored at the end of the writing / posting you)

Please try ... Hopefully useful.

Readmore.....“READMORE... Display posts more visible short”

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

PR bukan Page Rank....Lalu apa...?

PR disini bukan Page Rank...lalu apa..?

Gini ceritanya

Tiga hari yang lalu gw dapat PR dari Om google salah, ( gimana cara nyoretnya ya, kok para blogger pada bisa nyoret2 tulisan, napa gw gak bisa ya ..ah biarin aja dach) yang benar gw dapat PR dari Om Syahuri, konon dapat PR juga dari Om Arif dan Om Indungg. Pertama-tama sich gw masih bingung PR apaan nich...? emangnya gw anak sekolahan he..he..he..penasaran juga sich, lalu gw mampir lagi nich ke Om Syahuri, nach disini gw baru tahu PR apa yang harus gw kerjain.

Ternyata PR itu adalah...

Silaturrahmi gaya baru para blogger mania untuk menjalin hubungan persahabatan yang lebih akrab sesama blogger dengan jalan setiap blogger harus membeberkan 10 macam kepribadiannya di blog masing-masing dengan tujuan sesama blogger bisa saling tukar informasi, saling berbagi serta terjalilah hubungan kekeluargaan seantero blogger.

Sebelum gw ngerjain PR, gw sempat mampir ke tempat Om Mymoen, Blognya Oom, Om Zalukhu dan Tante Kulkas , biasa ngitip dulu buat perbandingan agar PR gw nantinya gak salah. cailee...

Langsung aja ya...
Nach ini dia PR gw...

Aneuk Agam Aceh adalah nama Blog gw yang baru lahir pada tanggal 2 September 2008
Aneuk Agam Aceh adalah 3 buah kata dari bahasa yang artinya ANAK PUTRA ACEH.
Aneuk Agam Aceh gw pilih sebagai judul blog karena saat ini gw diperantaun jadi biar teobati rindu gw ke kampung halaman.

Baka adalah nama panggilan akrab gw di kampug halaman dan KELANA adalah gw sering mengembara baik di dunia nyata maupun di dunia maya.

Gw lahir di Aceh pidie, masa bayi-kanak-kanak hingga remaja di ACEH TIMUR, Tamat SMU di ACEH UTARA , Dewasa dan mulai kerja di BANDA ACEH dan saat ini di JAKARTA.

Sampai saat ini gw masih sendiri, gw juga bingung gak tahu napa ya kok belum ada jodohnya gitu, padahal gw pingin banget berumah tangga membina keluarga bahagia, seumur2 belum pernah yg namanya pacaran, cuma pernah mengagumi seseorang ( sampai saat ini kale...)

Hobby gw yang gak bisa gw kontrol alias over sampai saai ini yaitu MANCING ( bukan mancing apa2 loh...cuma mancing ikan )kalau udach mancing lupa segala2nya..itulah nikmatnya mancing.

Ini dia nich kebiasaan jelek gw kalau bangun tidur selalu kesiangan dari jamannya sekolahan sampai jamannya kerjaan...ampun dech.

Disini bukannya gw gw gak bisa jauh dari ortu, tapi yang benar gw gak bisa jau dari ROKOK ama KOPI ( pencinta berat ) dan INTERNET ( mumpung pake hypernet gratis).

Pertama gw bisa komputer disaat gw kerja di daerah cibubur, waktu itu gw sama sekali belum ngerti komputer,teman kerja gw yang satu,kalo lagi istirahat pada makek komputer,gw minta dijarin sepertinya dia ogah,gw hanya bisa melihat doank,diam2 gw intip tuch teman lagi main komputer(soalnya kalo gw lihat terang2an ditutupin,kali biar gw bodoh selamanya), malam nya gw praktek sendiri akhirnya bisa ..horee...(walaupun otodidax)ampe gw beli itu buku komputer sebanyak2nya,alhamdulillah sekarang udach bisa.

Sebenarnya gw pingin banget nyari penghasilan tambahan terutama dollar dari internet Om Jacky supit alias jackbook dan Om Jacky supit alias jackbook serta Om Toni Jauhari buat nambah2 penghasilan gw, kan lumayan buat nambah2 gaji gw yg kecil serta bisa bantu keluarga di kampung halaman, tapi apalah daya karena bahasa inggris ku NOL, tapi gw punya prinsip yg penting berusaha..ya nggak.

Yang lain2 ntar aja nyusul ya..kalau udah pada kenal dan akrab seperti kata orang bijak " GAK KENAL GAK SAYANG...."

Dach selesai PR gw dari Om Syahuri.

Oh ya jangan lupa aturannya begini :

1. Each blogger must post these rules

2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves

3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.

4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

Nach lo..sekarang malah gw yg bingung mau ngasih PR ini ke siapa ya...soalnya kenalan gw belom banyak...Tapi lagi2 gw berpedoman bahawa inilah yang disebut INDAHNYA BERBAGI, jadi karena gw udach dapat pasti dong gw juga gak lupa berbagi..coba gw lanjutin ke 10 sohib2 baru gw yaitu :

1. Noveee Rasjid
2. Gadis Rantau
3. Dessy Indriani
4. Raisa
5. Syafira Salsabila
6. Aulia
7. Azuel
8. Doumy
9. Pemulung makmur
10. Surauinyiak


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